What does one have to do with the other? See that picture?
Pretty much my week.
Brick walls…everywhere…pounding my head…turning me sideways…drowning me in their persistent chomping at my nerves.
Nothing earth shattering…just a plethora of irksome annoyances likely to be as costly as they have been nagginly irritating, monotonously sleep robbing and emotionally draining.
Vehicles in need of expensive repairs…yes…vehicles…plural...family member in minor crisis…conundrums to be solved...nerves rattling...stuff…yanno...LIFE. Gnats fractiously swarming my eyes, nose and brain cells.
Then...as I jockeyed traffic for my position on the off-ramp to work late in the week...it hit me...I have a job...one that I wasn’t looking for when the universe brought it to my door. I get paid for doing something I don’t mind doing with people I don’t mind being around. I have a skill they need and the physical ability to show up every day, do my thing and then go home. Though I’ll never get rich from my labors, if I’m diligent in how I pick each tiny pest from my shirt, I can both help who needs helping and take care of my own nettlesome little gnats to boot.