Saturday, August 20, 2005

A Blog a Day Keeps Insanity at Bay or The Birth of a Blog

Perhaps not...I believe I’ve been truly insane for at least 3 years. Time previous was a case of Insanity in Training to my way of thinking.

Did you ever feel like you HAD to write…HAD to get the words out on the page before they went away? That’s where I am these days…the committee in my mind is on speed and afraid 3 years worth of stuff bouncing around in my brain to keep it from gathering dust will disappear before they can spit it out.

AND it needs a public voice....somewhere different than my usual cyber hanging out place...a place for the words to be viewed...hence the title Camera Obscura*.

I think it might be important, but, I can’t wait for some-locked-in-his-office publisher to return the blue lined manuscript and say “No…that’s crap…now go away.” I need to know right away if what is coming out is real or just more something no one cares to read. And, I think it needs adding to on a regular basis as my insanity either grows or I learn to keep it under control.

As if. My answer is that I have become absurdly doubtful in my delusion of control over anything other than my own self...not my life...just myself. My current control has an air of impermanence about it. More and more, lately, I find myself unwilling to bind myself to the mundane and instead reach out for those things I put away for fear of failing. After a recent "aha moment" I realise I don't want my life to be about what could have been if I'd not been afraid to step off the edge. Therefore, a certain lack of control would appear to be a necessary piece of the luggage required for this particular part of my journey on the widow’s path.

Thus…a blog is born.

My journey from death to life through a slightly skewed “camera obscura”.*

(*Essentially a darkened room containing a table or screen on which an upside down image of the outside world is projected.)


  1. Anonymous6:43 PM

    I am glad you did this, Outlaw .
    I so love reading your words.

    Delicious word pairings, thought provoking sentences and gracious dollops of humor .

    Looking forward to more from you!

  2. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Outlaw, it's time to give voice to those words that have been locked away. As you continue to move forward from death to life...continue to run from the mundane, I look forward to reading your journey. L'Chiam, my friend!

  3. I'm going to savour reading your blog!! I feel I should send you a congrats-on-your-new-baby card! Maybe I will!

    You are such an amazing writer and spirit and humour and personality, this is going to be a sheer delight.

    See you in the sunlight...

  4. Anonymous7:17 PM

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  5. Anonymous7:27 PM

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  6. Anonymous7:32 PM

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  7. Anonymous7:57 PM

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  8. Anonymous8:02 PM

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  9. Thanks, guys. It'll be a work in progress for a bit. I appreciate any comments you have for making it better. how do I get rid of these spammers that look like real people visiting this blog????

    Time to check a few settings methinks.

  10. Anonymous8:36 PM

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  11. Anonymous8:41 PM

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  12. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Outlaw, congrats. I'll be checking this "training field" on which a book may be born one day with a sheer delight. Your words helped me so many times, I'll be looking for something for myself here too.

  13. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Outlaw -- I am proud of you and envious of your talent. I understand what you're talking about in this drive to express yourself.

    Legally, your words are published/copywrited now! Yes, you ARE a writer!! hugs

  14. Anonymous6:01 PM

    More blogs !
    More blogs !
    I demand satisfaction !
    More blogs !
    Yup, I am starting a ruckus !


  15. Today's and yesterday's are up dear child. And mein Gott my mind is full of so many more.

    Be sure you have only the basic address saved otherwise you only get the first one. (I found this out the hard way when I saved it the first time.)

    I'm still trying to figure out how to tweak a few things. I don't know HTML code and am scaredy pants to mess with the basic code to add some fun stuff to this thing.

    Time to do some more research I reckon.

  16. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Heyyyya there Miss Outlaw..

    You know you aren't anywhere near an outlaw type person. When I met you..I envisioned you just as you really were. You said the same thing about me...didn't ya?

    BTW...the "Phoenix" concept...I like it...alot. I guess I never had stopped and thought before how certain moments in your life are really very altering....Whether you rise or fall though it's up to you. My phoenix moment (and I've thought about this long and hard) was when I broke up with Jerry. It was a moment when I had to leave someone I loved because it was no longer good for me to be attached. There was no one waiting for me in the was a hard thing to do and the pain was intense..but I felt this freedom in that I made a conscience decision (on my own) to do something that I knew in my heart was going to be good for me.

    Thank you for sharing this aspect of yourself "that weekend". I miss all of you so much and wish you would all magically appear at the snap of my finger...I've been screwing up again...just recently. But I'll come out on top...with friends like you to lean on and I know who will give me solid could I go wrong. a little wordy again.

    Love ya dearie!!!!
