Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Daddy's Hands*

Daddy’s hands were soft and kind when I was crying
Daddy’s hands were hard as steel when I’d done wrong,
Daddy’s hands weren’t always gentle,
But I’ve come to understand,
There was always love in daddy’s hands.

(*Daddy's Hands by Holly Dunn)

My Handyman has hands like that. So, did my Jim and so did my Granddad.

As I watched his hands work to put together this wagon for his firstborn grandchild’s first birthday, I could not help but think of the other two strong men in my life and the chorus of that song.

Roughened by years of working with wood, he yet has a gentle touch with all he meets. How fortunate are the people in this man’s life.

And, how grateful I am that he is in mine.
(Thank you to My Handyman allowing me to photograph his hands while at work.)


  1. Anonymous7:59 AM

    What a wonderful gift to both, the firstborn and to you.

  2. This is so strong. I want to rush out and photograph my dad's hands and Bob's! I completely relate to this. And the wagon is lovely! What a talented man you have there!

    Thanks for this one...

