Sunday, September 11, 2005

A Tooth's Tale

“Remember…the Tooth”

That line from Dune and the ensuing gaseous green vapor when Baron Harkonen poked at it kept coming to mind as the tooth yanker stuck his big paw in my small jaw to remove that problematic sucker making my life a misery the last few months.

Of course, I didn’t wish the dentist’s demise…still, the thought kept occurring that my tooth was so decayed and infected that it could be the scenario as he grabbed it with what seemed like awfully large pliers for my little mouth.

The recovery has been as challenging as the time prior to removal…giving me fits of pain and swelling...leaving me to wonder when it will feel like it was worth it to sit through the cattle call to have it removed.

Cattle call…polite term that...for sitting around in waiting room of the only cheap clinic in town for folks like moi with no insurance coverage. Doors open at 7:45 a.m., at which point you may get in line to get in line to wait around for your name to be called a mere 4 hours later.

Life in all its flavors and varieties come through those doors. Poor. Poorer. Retirees on fixed incomes. Minimum wage workers with no benefits. Welfare parents and their children…some well behaved…a number not so. Young, old and everything in between.

All with dental needs and minimum funds to have them done.

This visit was fraught with anxiety. Same issue almost 3 years ago played out like a torture scene from a badly acted “B” movie:

Anonymous Doc walks in, mask in place, pokes frightened, pain ridden patient’s gum with Novocain filled syringe, carelessly yanks tooth from not yet numbed jaw, shoves gauze in bleeding hole and exits…stage right.

No howdy, no kiss good-bye…just slam, bam and no thank you ma’am.

I was not looking forward to a rerun of this one run play.

Imagine my surprise when the scenario turned out the polar opposite:

Introduction; what can I do for you; let’s take a look; this will sting a bit (it did) ; you’ll feel a little pressure (I did); you say it still hurts; it’s almost out…can you stand it; it’s out; you did great; keep this gauze in for at least 30 minutes, however with the aspirin you’ve been taking I think it may take a few hours to stop (it did) ; take the pain med right away (I did); if you have any problems give us a call (wonder how long I should wait).

Except for the phantom tooth discomfort, the swelled gums and bouts of sporadic, intense pain...thanfully dulled by a medical wonder called Lortab 5…which have served to keep me from my writing…I reckon it was a successful morning’s adventure. At least until the next episode in the Tale of the Tooth that requires a return visit.

The joys of no health insurance in modern day America from the mundane depths of the foothills of lower Podunk, SC.


  1. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I missed your writings, but knew that tooth stuff can put you out of commission.

    I have insurance and still had to pay some quack 4k, she didn't do it right and I had to pay some other guy another grand.

    Steff decided that she no longer wants xrays at the dentist every year.

    So she went in to her appt today , and they said they don't do the exam without it.

    Every x-ray you get adds to your chance of cancer.
    That being said , I am not sure why they can't do other non invasive imaging for detection.

    So, we are now looking to see if we can find any DDS who will look at her teeth without forcing her to have an xray this year.
    She wants to do x-rays ( of the dental variety ) every 2 years.
    Unless an extreme emergency arises.
    I don't know if this is a state or health insurance law, or they do it to protect their asses at the clinic.

    For my root canals I had 5 to 6 xrays that one year.
    They won't pay for my cancer treatment if I get sick , now will they...
    In Germany you have an xray card that keeps track of how often you have gotten in through various MD's .
    The dentist over there does not force you to get one every year, if oral examinations and no other pain is present .

    Sorry about the rant, but it is well known overseas ( particularly in Europe) that American dentists suck.

    I hope you are healing , dear lady.

  2. Well...I know you don't have to have them done every year. This clinic uses them for 3 unless you have major extraction work or develope jaw bone deformities.

    Keep looking...maybe there is one who will accept last year's exrays. They are yours to get from the old DD.

    Just a thought.

    The jaw is doing better...just damn sore and I keep gritting my teeth which doesn't help. (roll-eyes)

    I could do the Mt. Maw look and go toothless, but I might scare the neighborhood kids. (ha)

  3. Hey Outlaw,

    I hope you will forgive my journey across the pond having kept me from reading up on your blog until tonight. I am so behind in sitting-down-reading time on the Internet in these 2 weeks of my journey...I have emails I need to answer from 2 weeks ago and even longer!

    I read all your entries tonight and it is so amazing reading the connecting points and differences in our widowing paths. I agree, tell us all and more about Handyman...this is YOUR blog and if anyone is offended by anything you choose to write about here then...what the heck are they doin' here?

    I have to add another note about that, too...I keep realizing I feel almost apologetic about finding a new love, getting married again, etc. At the florist shop today, telling them not to make my bouquet too big, feeling I should squelch it, hold it down, hold back, after all, this is two aging widow/ers getting together, not young blushing whatevers...and then I catch myself and think, Hey! This is OUR wedding, we are in LOVE, it's a wonderful hopeful miracle thing to CELEBRATE not HIDE...but it is SO hard to keep that frame of mind. As if only the first marriage, first love counts and we have to sneak in the second chance we've been given, keep it low key, hide that light under that bushel.

    I know this is wrong thinking and I'm working on it!

    There was that weird moment today, know how sometimes it's appropriate in making wedding plans to say "Hey, you only get married once!"...I started to say it and then Bob and I looked at each other and I amended it to "...twice". We grimaced and had a strange moment...then shrugged and moved on to the next thing on the list.

    Anyway, I say let us hear anything you want to talk about. It's your blog.

    You are such a good writer, Outlaw, I love reading everything you share. Mostly I love the great heart of you, from where the words are coming.

    Take care,

  4. My dear, dear Spirit Bear...hide it under a bushel..oh, no...let it light shine, shine, says a sunday school song of long ago.

    Yet...I understand it. Wanting to shout it from the rooftops...nay...mountain tops...that after such tragedy and pain life, love and happiness has found us again in such an amazing way.

    But, still...wishing to be respectful of the reason this has happened, not to appear as if it has no bearing on things. Demure...subdued...quiet as one of our age should be.

    Humbug...and again...humbug, I say. We have been through such an upheaval of all we knew and turned, quite frankly, completely upside down...been literally in the depths of dispair.

    Oh, gad ya not ken what an inspiration you are?

    And, you are right. Here of all places I can dance, laugh and cry tears of joy that my life has..texture, I think someone said has texture, color and scent in a different way from my general healing and finding joy just in the living.

    Thank you, my dear friend, for the reminder. In fact, the infection may spread to another cyber-world in which I hang. Too long too much dark...I may be alone...but, I may light that candle anyway. (It may also coalesce into a piece for this blog...I feel the words in my head even now.)

    Thank you, also, for the kindess about my writing. Straight from the Heart was another title I had considered after a Bonnie Tyler song of which I am fond. In fact, it could become the title to my next blog piece. Thank you for the inspiration.

    On another note, Yes, I get those moments like the one you described betwixt you and TMS (grin). They startle, and for a brif moment the cloud descends before it passes again. A reminder of how we got here.

    We are forever changed.

    L' life.

    (be in watch of an e-mail...I have a question or two privately.)
