Thursday, November 03, 2005

Change of Season ~ Part Deux

Life among the shadows.

Still wearing melancholy like a thread worn sweater or favorite holey jeans it has become more a strange sort of comfort than discomfiting yoke. There, yet not overwhelming in its need to be recognized. Even so, as is often true with me, I felt a need to stand outside my own self and look at life and shadows from another view.

Camera in hand in search of some small patch of color, I took myself to the public garden at the edge of my little city. Not your formal, tidy garden it is more a woodland with pathways running throughout like a patchwork quilt. As I sat quiet on a bench the sounds of life rustling and flitting beneath the dry leaves and browning trees. In accordance with the current state of my soul the hues were subtle and subdued along with a surprising smattering of late blooming flowers to punctuate the stillness.

I felt peace. And, it was good.

What follows are a random series of pictures chosen from the nearly hundred I took yesterday.

Enter through the arbor and walk with me.

(Even so there is more in my mind to write I think I will be still and wait for tomorrow)


  1. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I felt peace
    Your pictures took me there too , josie.
    Lovely little place.

  2. It's a wonderful space. Right off a busy highway. Yet, once you get to the interior you hardly notice anything other than the sounds of the birds, squirrels, chipmunks and the breeze playing through the trees.

    A sanctuary that brings me much the same inner feeling as being up in the mountains we loved so much or on the beach at sunset.

    I'm glad the pictures captured the feeling I was looking for.
