Monday, November 23, 2009

More Thoughts from the Other Side of the Knife...

WARNING: TMI to follow…if yer not interested my current fascination with the workings…or in this case…NOT workings…of my body parts…stop reading now.
That having been said; one should not abuse a perfectly good and innocent cup of coffee in such a way, but I was in pain, so I did and it worked. And, I felt like my two year old “in-training” Grand Daughter, wondering “Hello…so I made in the potty… now, where’s my prize?”

OK…so, in a way, I got my prize; but you know what I mean.

Hey…I warned you.

I also have a not so pretty red rash, finally receding hives and the what remains of an irritating itch caused by an ALLERGIC REACTION TO THE EFFEN PERCOCET!!!

(No, Herr Doktor….Morphine doesn’t work and the patient is allergic to Percoset. What’s left?” OY)

Which is why yesterday, while not the worst day in the world, was also not the greatest day...going cold turkey off the stuff and all. Yowzers, Bat Man.

During the whole deal, the crazy thought would casually flit across my mind that maybe…just maybe…I could take one or ½ of one…just to get me through the rough patches, yanno, cuz they DID work as pain killers.

Somebunny, slap me….the stuff gives me hives and makes me itch…even my blinkin’ eyelids itched…am I nuckin’ futz?

Imagine, if you will, that I was really hooked on those things. (after 3 days, prolly, not, but my mind went there anyway.) What then? “Please, Handyman….just one?” You can use your imagination for the rest.

Sheez, lew-eeze.

So…it’s strictly ibuprofen for the duration.


Welll…I hope not do to THAT again for a number of weeks. Nor coughing unexpectedly, neither, thank you very much. OUCH!!!!

Laughing. hurts some…but, it also feels good. Does that make me masochistic???

What ever.

Laughing’s good.

Walking straight up and down is good.

Sitting more or less upright is good.

Sleeping on my side is very good.

Food is getting better. Fruit is wonderful. And, the chocolate someone from TN sent me is MAH-VEL-US!!!! (said in a high pitched sing-song voice)

So, all in all, and given the alternative…Life’s not so terribly terrible.

And, it could always definitely be worse.

1 comment:

  1. Sandie8:50 PM

    Well babycakes, you really got to go. The doctors get their panties in a wad when you don't.
    Percocet-garbage in garbage out. That stuff should be illegal is it nasty.
    I remember the c-sections-sneezing not recommended. Who knew you sneezed with your stomach?

    But you are better every day!

    As Kenny says-and today you know that's good enough for me, breathing in and out's a blessing.
