Thursday, November 05, 2009

Meeting Liz…

The Universe delights itself in reminding me what a schmuck I can be…it must…I give it ample opportunity.

Having a momentary “feel sorry for me” moment after filling out yet another huge pile of “please pick me” paper work and lamenting on how hard it is to ask for help, the diminutive, bubbly sprite before me says “I know…I’ve been where you are.”

Looking at this petite imp with a personality as buoyant as a brightly colored helium balloon, I give what I know must be a “sure…what do you know” look.

Then she tells me what she knows…and I am truly humbled.

At 40 she is an 8 ½ year widow. Not quite 32 when she was left with 2 boys to raise…2 and 6 when their dad died…with no skill beyond being a full time mom and wife as they had married just out of high school.

Liz…petite, perky, beautiful little Liz…has gone back to school, gotten a degree, continued to raise her sons and…as if that is not enough for the Universe…has survived Uterine Cancer while she was at it.

(I am woman…hear me roar)

We speak then as comrades in arms…sharing secrets only those who are widowed know…secrets survivors know.

Survivors…survivors, by god.

We talk some more.

In the end she thanks ME for the opportunity to talk, what a pleasure it is to meet me and how much she hopes they can find a sponsor because I need to survive, too. For my kids, my grand, my mom…for my Handyman.

(Dammit woman…don’t make me cry.)

Cheez lew-eeze.

Here’s to Liz…to her spirit…her spunk…and the lesson she taught me yesterday.

To Liz...

Long may her Qi shine.


  1. sandie6:24 AM

    Just what you need when you need it most.

  2. I know...ain't it a kick inna pants?
