Thursday, October 15, 2009

In Other News

Day 3 and H1N1 has come to Casa del Outlaw.

DD's BF's little girl.

It's official.

What else could I do?

She couldn't go back to mommy's...there's a 6 week old baby there.

He had no where to take her other than his alky dad's place.

I don't think so.

What was I to say...."I'm sorry....I have cancer...I can't take the risk"...that's not exactly the way I planned on letting them know.

Besides...I'm not on chemo...there's been no radiation done to attack my immune system...I haven't even had my first oncology consult yet. (that's tomorrow)

With care it should be fine...other than UC I'm fact, I've felt better today than I have in 2 weeks.

On the other hand...I'm having issues with food.

Tastes like dog food or cardboard.

WTF is up with that?

Nerves I reckon.

Maybe after tomorrow.

I can't NOT think about it...eff it's always there skulking about and peering around corners.



My tikki friend says it's all that bitch Eve's fault. (that made me laugh)

She also says she's a praying woman, that she has praying wimmin friends and that her daddy always said praying wimmin get the job done.

Damn you, woman, for making me cry.

Thank you for being my lift me up when I can't and boot kick me inna arse when I need it. You know where the deepest wells are, you'd beat the bastard that hurt me and you'd sit in jail with me if I get caught.

Can't ask for better than that.

To friends in low places.


  1. Sandie6:37 PM

    Oh hell yes! I like being the friend in low places!
    Get this done and we'll dance on the bar at the VFW!

  2. Hell, yeah...itza date!!!
